K2SC Lightkurve Interface¶
Let's go through how you would use k2sc
with its lightkurve
interface to detrend the light curve of WASP-55. First, we import some things!
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib as mpl
import lightkurve as lk
import k2sc
from k2sc.standalone import k2sc_lc
from astropy.io import fits
%pylab inline --no-import-all
matplotlib.rcParams['image.origin'] = 'lower'
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']=(10.0,10.0) #(6.0,4.0)
matplotlib.rcParams['font.size']=16 #10
matplotlib.rcParams['savefig.dpi']= 300 #72
colours = mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
import warnings
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib 2.0.11.to_fits
Reading in data.¶
Let's search MAST for the long-cadence light curve file of WASP-55 using the lightkurve
API, and do some very basic filtering for data quality.
lc = lk.search_lightcurve('EPIC 212300977')[1].download()
lc = lc.remove_nans()
lc = lc[lc.quality==0]
Let's now try K2SC!¶
As a quick hack for now, let's just clobber the lightkurve
object class to our k2sc
lc.__class__ = k2sc_lc
Now we run with default values!
The tqdm
progress bar will show a percentage of the maximum iterations of the differential evolution optimizer, but it will usually finish early.
Using default splits [2390, 2428] for campaign 6
0%| | 0/150 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Starting initial outlier detection Flagged 114 ( 3.6%) outliers. Starting Lomb-Scargle period search Using SqrExp position kernel Found periodicity p = 14.34 (fap 2.5446e-54 < 1e-50), will use a quasiperiodic kernel Starting global hyperparameter optimisation using DE
69%|██████▊ | 103/150 [04:44<02:09, 2.76s/it, -ln(L)=-5062.4]
DE finished in 284 seconds DE minimum found at: [-5.999e+00 9.686e-01 1.081e+01 8.653e-03 -5.095e+00 2.448e+01 1.111e+01 -3.460e+00] DE -ln(L) -5062.4 Starting local hyperparameter optimisation Local minimum found at: [-6.000e+00 9.681e-01 1.092e+01 9.137e-03 -5.062e+00 2.442e+01 1.061e+01 -3.458e+00] Starting final outlier detection 5 too high 80 too low 0 not finite Computing time and position trends CDPP - raw - 211.404 CDPP - position component removed - 59.007 CDPP - full reduction - 59.014 Detrending time 290.7708077430725
Now we plot! See how the k2sc
lightcurve has such better quality than the uncorrected data.
Careful with astropy
units - flux and time are dimensionful quantities in lightkurve
2.0, so we have to use .value
to render them as numbers.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12.0,8.0))
detrended = lc.corr_flux-lc.tr_time + np.nanmedian(lc.tr_time)
Text(0.5, 1.01, 'WASP-55')
Now we save the data.¶
extras = {'CORR_FLUX':lc.corr_flux.value,
out = lc.to_fits(extra_data=extras,path='test.fits',overwrite=True)